Golden Jubilee of Priesthood
On 30th March 1968 our brother, Isidore Faloona OFM, was one of two Friars ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Leo Parker of Northampton. The other was Paul Roberts. This notable event took place at St Mary’s Friary in the village of East Bergholt, Suffolk, which at the time was the Franciscan house of studies and formation.
Fifty years on, Fr Isidore’s Golden Jubilee fell on Good Friday - 30th March 2018. Not the best of days to mark such a celebration! but providentially - or as fate would have it - Isidore was recovering from hip surgery allowing a judicious delay until all could attend. The Mass of Thanksgiving was held on a fine early summer’s day on Saturday 9th June at the Franciscan church of St Thomas of Canterbury, Woodford Green, Essex. Marvellously, there was a near full church with, also present, Isidore’s sister, two of his brothers and a sister-in-law.
And among the many well-wishers and parishioners was a long time friend from their days as altar boys at the Franciscan parish of St Francis, Gorton, Manchester. For Isidore the Golden Jubilee celebrations was a humbling and joyful experience. He was grateful to see so many friends who had taken the trouble to travel and attend.
His first appointment after ordination was to the Friars’ community at St Antony’s, Forest Gate, East London where, along with five other priests he shared in the parochial ministry. Fourteen years later, in 1968, he received his first appointment as parish priest to St Francis’s parish, Stratford, East London.Fr Isidore is now resident in the Woodford Friary community and - at 76 - still an active and supportive member of the parish team.
Long may it last!

Father Isidore presides over his Jubilee Mass

Father Brian McGrath preaching

A view of the congregation

The clergy in procession

Friends and well-wishers greet the Jubilarian

The offering of the consecrated wine and bread at the doxology

Sheila Hunter proclaims the Word of God from the lectern

Family, friends & parishioners united in celebration

Gorton parish altar boys meet again!

Warmest wishes from members of the congregation