How do I become a friar?
Enquiry and discernment
Contact with the Franciscan Vocations Animator, Br. Donal ofm, via the Vocations Email address, . He will contact you and ask you to send back further details and C.V. so as to learn about you.
Face to face contact, visits to friaries, and live-in “Come and See” events will occur over a certain length of time of discerning the way forward with much time spent in prayer and reflection necessary for each enquirer over many months.
If both the Enquirer and Animator feel it opportune, a deeper experience in a friary could take place to get to know and meet Friars and they get to know him too.
Application process
At some point, having spent these months in discernment, prayer, dialogue and direction, a decision may be made as to whether the Enquirer is ready and able to make a formal application to enter the Postulancy programme.
This application requires the completion of many forms and tasks, assessments and interviews. It is not taken lightly for both Enquirer and the Friars, as we wish to be able to fulfill all the necessary requirements needed for entry into our Order.
At the completion of this lengthy procedure, if all seems good to the Assessment and Interview Panel, a recommendation is put forward to the Minister Provincial in Dublin, to accept the candidate for formal formation into the Franciscan way of life as a Postulant.